STK SSW (firearm)

The STK SSW is an experimental semi-automatic squad support weapon being manufactured by STK in Singapore. It is capable of firing 5.7mm rounds and four different caliber airbursting 40mm grenades. Within one of the bullets, there is a pocket full of 400 tungsten balls. When impacting on target, the pocket will burst resulting in a conical shape of damage similar to those of a shotgun. The platform consists of a fire-control system mounted on top. This is the master interface of the weapons firing systems, aiming, and more.

STK SSW (firearm)

The STK SSW is an experimental semi-automatic squad support weapon being manufactured by STK in Singapore. It is capable of firing 5.7mm rounds and four different caliber airbursting 40mm grenades. Within one of the bullets, there is a pocket full of 400 tungsten balls. When impacting on target, the pocket will burst resulting in a conical shape of damage similar to those of a shotgun. The platform consists of a fire-control system mounted on top. This is the master interface of the weapons firing systems, aiming, and more.