Sack of Camarina (405 BC)

The Sack of Camarina in Sicily took place in 405 BC as part of the Sicilian Wars. Hermocrates of Syracuse had plundered Carthaginian possessions in Sicily from Selinus after 408 BC, and in response Carthage sent an army to Sicily under Hannibal Mago and Himilco II of the Magonid family which faced a coalition of Sicilian Greeks under the leadership of Syracuse. The Greeks were forced to abandon Akragas in the winter of 406 BC after an 8-month siege. Hannibal Mago had perished at Akragas from the plague during the siege, the Carthaginians sacked Akragas and wintered there, then attacked Gela in the spring of 405 BC. Dionysius I had become supreme commander of Syracuse by this time, but his army was defeated at Gela. Although Greek casualties were light, Dionysius evacuated the city, which t

Sack of Camarina (405 BC)

The Sack of Camarina in Sicily took place in 405 BC as part of the Sicilian Wars. Hermocrates of Syracuse had plundered Carthaginian possessions in Sicily from Selinus after 408 BC, and in response Carthage sent an army to Sicily under Hannibal Mago and Himilco II of the Magonid family which faced a coalition of Sicilian Greeks under the leadership of Syracuse. The Greeks were forced to abandon Akragas in the winter of 406 BC after an 8-month siege. Hannibal Mago had perished at Akragas from the plague during the siege, the Carthaginians sacked Akragas and wintered there, then attacked Gela in the spring of 405 BC. Dionysius I had become supreme commander of Syracuse by this time, but his army was defeated at Gela. Although Greek casualties were light, Dionysius evacuated the city, which t