Saint Tyneio

Saint Tyneio was a 6th century Pre-congregational saint of Wales. Tyneio, was the founder and patron saint of the church at , Wales a daughter church under , Carnarvonshire. and Llanfor Wales. He was a son of Saithenyn Hen ap Plaws and Great grandson of Vortigen and Great Great Grand son of Magnus Maximus, Emperor of the Roman Empire and Saint Elen Lwyddog 'of the Host'.

Saint Tyneio

Saint Tyneio was a 6th century Pre-congregational saint of Wales. Tyneio, was the founder and patron saint of the church at , Wales a daughter church under , Carnarvonshire. and Llanfor Wales. He was a son of Saithenyn Hen ap Plaws and Great grandson of Vortigen and Great Great Grand son of Magnus Maximus, Emperor of the Roman Empire and Saint Elen Lwyddog 'of the Host'.