Samuel Maduka Onyishi

Dr. Samuel Maduka Onyishi was born in Nsukka, Enugu State, in November 1963 and is considered a successful business mogul of the Enugu Northern extraction. owing to the loss of his father in his first year in secondary school, an incidence that forced him to assume the role of pseudo breadwinner to his family consisting of his widowed mother and siblings. Dr. Sam Onyishi, as he is mostly called, attended the Enugu Road Primary School, Nsukka from 1971-1976 then was admitted into Bubendorf Grammar School, Adazi, in the present day Anambra State. He contemplated tearing his certificate, since education seemed to mean nothing then given his reality. But an encounter with a kinsman who was 2 years below him in primary school a few years later would make him change his view about education, he

Samuel Maduka Onyishi

Dr. Samuel Maduka Onyishi was born in Nsukka, Enugu State, in November 1963 and is considered a successful business mogul of the Enugu Northern extraction. owing to the loss of his father in his first year in secondary school, an incidence that forced him to assume the role of pseudo breadwinner to his family consisting of his widowed mother and siblings. Dr. Sam Onyishi, as he is mostly called, attended the Enugu Road Primary School, Nsukka from 1971-1976 then was admitted into Bubendorf Grammar School, Adazi, in the present day Anambra State. He contemplated tearing his certificate, since education seemed to mean nothing then given his reality. But an encounter with a kinsman who was 2 years below him in primary school a few years later would make him change his view about education, he