Sandro Magister

Sandro Magister (born 2 October 1943) is an Italian journalist who writes for the magazine L'espresso. Magister specializes in religious news, in particular on the Catholic Church and the Vatican. He has written two books on the political history of the Italian episcopate: "Italian Church: Vatican Politics and Italy 1943-1978" and "Extraparliamentary Church: The Triumph of the Pulpit". He also manages the website Chiesa on the topic of modern ecclesiastical affairs. He, his wife Anna, and their two daughters live in Rome.

Sandro Magister

Sandro Magister (born 2 October 1943) is an Italian journalist who writes for the magazine L'espresso. Magister specializes in religious news, in particular on the Catholic Church and the Vatican. He has written two books on the political history of the Italian episcopate: "Italian Church: Vatican Politics and Italy 1943-1978" and "Extraparliamentary Church: The Triumph of the Pulpit". He also manages the website Chiesa on the topic of modern ecclesiastical affairs. He, his wife Anna, and their two daughters live in Rome.