
SantApprentice is an animated television series in 50 episodes of 12 minutes and two 26 minute episodes created by Belgian animator Jan Van Rijsselberge and made by Alphanim (now Gaumont Animation) in 2006. The holiday series follows the adventures of Nicolas, a young orphan boy from Sydney, Australia, who is a pure of heart and believes in Santa Claus as he is Santa's Apprentice. Nicolas's job is to achieve his tasks to become full-fledged Santa.


SantApprentice is an animated television series in 50 episodes of 12 minutes and two 26 minute episodes created by Belgian animator Jan Van Rijsselberge and made by Alphanim (now Gaumont Animation) in 2006. The holiday series follows the adventures of Nicolas, a young orphan boy from Sydney, Australia, who is a pure of heart and believes in Santa Claus as he is Santa's Apprentice. Nicolas's job is to achieve his tasks to become full-fledged Santa.