Santa and the Three Bears

Santa and the Three Bears is a 1970 animated feature film, which aired in syndication on television regularly during the holiday season. The film was originally pitched to TV networks, which rejected it as it lacked a villain, but was then shown in theaters instead. This special has been rerun on TBN, USA Network, FOX Family (Now Freeform), and on KTLA channel 5 in Los Angeles. It also received a "blue ribbon" award for Best Family Film at the San Francisco International Film Festival.

Santa and the Three Bears

Santa and the Three Bears is a 1970 animated feature film, which aired in syndication on television regularly during the holiday season. The film was originally pitched to TV networks, which rejected it as it lacked a villain, but was then shown in theaters instead. This special has been rerun on TBN, USA Network, FOX Family (Now Freeform), and on KTLA channel 5 in Los Angeles. It also received a "blue ribbon" award for Best Family Film at the San Francisco International Film Festival.