Santi Palacios

Santi Palacios (born 1985, Madrid, Spain) is a Spanish photojournalist. He works mainly outside of his country contributing to international news agencies and media outlets such as The Associated Press and El Pais among others, and has won multiple international and national awards for his work such as the "Premio Nacional de Fotoperiodismo de España" (Spanish National Prize in Photojournalism) in 2015. Also a trained sociologist, during the past years he has focused much of his work on immigrants and where they come from as well as their journeys and final destinations.

Santi Palacios

Santi Palacios (born 1985, Madrid, Spain) is a Spanish photojournalist. He works mainly outside of his country contributing to international news agencies and media outlets such as The Associated Press and El Pais among others, and has won multiple international and national awards for his work such as the "Premio Nacional de Fotoperiodismo de España" (Spanish National Prize in Photojournalism) in 2015. Also a trained sociologist, during the past years he has focused much of his work on immigrants and where they come from as well as their journeys and final destinations.