
Symbolic Analysis Program for Windows (SAPWIN) is a proprietary symbolic circuit simulator written in C++ for the Microsoft Windows operating systems Vista, 7.0 and 8.1. Unlike more common numerical circuit simulators (such as Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE)), SAPWIN can generate analytical Laplace domain expressions for arbitrary network functions of linear analog circuits. The SAPWIN package also includes tools for schematic capture and graphic post-processing. SAPWIN is available free from its homepage at the University of Florence website.


Symbolic Analysis Program for Windows (SAPWIN) is a proprietary symbolic circuit simulator written in C++ for the Microsoft Windows operating systems Vista, 7.0 and 8.1. Unlike more common numerical circuit simulators (such as Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE)), SAPWIN can generate analytical Laplace domain expressions for arbitrary network functions of linear analog circuits. The SAPWIN package also includes tools for schematic capture and graphic post-processing. SAPWIN is available free from its homepage at the University of Florence website.