Sarpa Kavu

Sarpa Kavu (meaning Abode of Snakes) or Naga Banna is a traditional natural sacred space seen near traditional homes in Kerala state of South India and in the region of Tulunad. The site is believed to be inhabited by snakes, and the area usually contains a representation of Naga Raja (King of the Snakes) and other Naga Devatas (snake deities), where offerings and rites are performed during special ceremonies.This is a Hindu ritual performed by the sects like the Bunts and Nairs, and all castes hold the Sarpa Kavu in reverence, with access forbidden to the area unless for due ceremonies.

Sarpa Kavu

Sarpa Kavu (meaning Abode of Snakes) or Naga Banna is a traditional natural sacred space seen near traditional homes in Kerala state of South India and in the region of Tulunad. The site is believed to be inhabited by snakes, and the area usually contains a representation of Naga Raja (King of the Snakes) and other Naga Devatas (snake deities), where offerings and rites are performed during special ceremonies.This is a Hindu ritual performed by the sects like the Bunts and Nairs, and all castes hold the Sarpa Kavu in reverence, with access forbidden to the area unless for due ceremonies.