Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen

The Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen is an intervention launched by Saudi Arabia on 26 March 2015, leading a coalition of nine countries from West Asia and North Africa, responding to calls from the president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi for military support after he was ousted by the Houthi movement, despite the progress in the political transition led by the United Nations at that time. The conflict ignited between the government forces, the Houthi rebels and other armed groups after the draft constitution and power-sharing arrangements was hammered by the Houthis leading to an escalation of violence in mid-2014. Notwithstanding the agreements brokered by then United Nations, the Houthis and allied units of the armed forces seized control of Sana’a and other parts of the country

Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen

The Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen is an intervention launched by Saudi Arabia on 26 March 2015, leading a coalition of nine countries from West Asia and North Africa, responding to calls from the president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi for military support after he was ousted by the Houthi movement, despite the progress in the political transition led by the United Nations at that time. The conflict ignited between the government forces, the Houthi rebels and other armed groups after the draft constitution and power-sharing arrangements was hammered by the Houthis leading to an escalation of violence in mid-2014. Notwithstanding the agreements brokered by then United Nations, the Houthis and allied units of the armed forces seized control of Sana’a and other parts of the country