Scarborough Shoal

Scarborough Shoal, also known as Bajo de Masinloc (in Spanish), Panatag Shoal (Filipino: Kulumpol ng Panatag, lit. 'serene cluster'), Huangyan Island (Mandarin Chinese: 黄岩岛; pinyin: Huáng Yán Dǎo; lit. 'yellow rock island'), and Democracy Reef, are two rocks in a shoal located between the Macclesfield Bank and Luzon within the Philippine EEZ in the South China Sea. It is 220 kilometres (119 nmi) away from the nearest landmass of Luzon, the largest island of the Philippines.

Scarborough Shoal

Scarborough Shoal, also known as Bajo de Masinloc (in Spanish), Panatag Shoal (Filipino: Kulumpol ng Panatag, lit. 'serene cluster'), Huangyan Island (Mandarin Chinese: 黄岩岛; pinyin: Huáng Yán Dǎo; lit. 'yellow rock island'), and Democracy Reef, are two rocks in a shoal located between the Macclesfield Bank and Luzon within the Philippine EEZ in the South China Sea. It is 220 kilometres (119 nmi) away from the nearest landmass of Luzon, the largest island of the Philippines.