Scenes from the Life of Noah

Scenes from the Life of Noah are a pair of 1436–1440 frescoes by Paolo Uccello in the Chiostro Verde (Green Cloister) of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. Like the other frescoes in that cloister, they deal with stories from the Book of Genesis and are in monochrome or "verdeterra" (giving the cloister its name). The upper work is the lunette The Flood and the Waters Receding (215×510 cm), with two symmetrical views of Noah's ark, whilst below is a rectangular work showing The Sacrifice and Drunkenness of Noah. They have now been transferred to canvas and were restored in 2013–2014, at which time it was considered moving them to an internal room in the complex.

Scenes from the Life of Noah

Scenes from the Life of Noah are a pair of 1436–1440 frescoes by Paolo Uccello in the Chiostro Verde (Green Cloister) of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. Like the other frescoes in that cloister, they deal with stories from the Book of Genesis and are in monochrome or "verdeterra" (giving the cloister its name). The upper work is the lunette The Flood and the Waters Receding (215×510 cm), with two symmetrical views of Noah's ark, whilst below is a rectangular work showing The Sacrifice and Drunkenness of Noah. They have now been transferred to canvas and were restored in 2013–2014, at which time it was considered moving them to an internal room in the complex.