School holidays in the United States

In the United States, an academic year typically has a duration of approximately 180 school days for students from years K–12, running from the early (Northern Hemisphere) fall to early summer. Colleges and universities often have shorter years. School holidays (also referred to as vacations, breaks, and recess) are the periods during which schools are closed. Public schools for grades K–12 typically have the following vacations and holidays: Most colleges and universities have the following breaks/holidays:

School holidays in the United States

In the United States, an academic year typically has a duration of approximately 180 school days for students from years K–12, running from the early (Northern Hemisphere) fall to early summer. Colleges and universities often have shorter years. School holidays (also referred to as vacations, breaks, and recess) are the periods during which schools are closed. Public schools for grades K–12 typically have the following vacations and holidays: Most colleges and universities have the following breaks/holidays: