Scriptorium Digital Library

Scriptorium is the digital library of the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire (BCU), part of the University of Lausanne in the Swiss canton of Vaud. It was launched on 7 December 2012 and initially included more than a million pages of digitized newspapers published in Vaud canton. All of the content is freely available to the public on the Scriptorium website. In their annual report, BCU reported 2,973,638 visits to Scriptorium Digital Library for its first full year of availability (2013). By the end of 2013, the collection had grown to 2,153,176 pages.

Scriptorium Digital Library

Scriptorium is the digital library of the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire (BCU), part of the University of Lausanne in the Swiss canton of Vaud. It was launched on 7 December 2012 and initially included more than a million pages of digitized newspapers published in Vaud canton. All of the content is freely available to the public on the Scriptorium website. In their annual report, BCU reported 2,973,638 visits to Scriptorium Digital Library for its first full year of availability (2013). By the end of 2013, the collection had grown to 2,153,176 pages.