Sebastian Kneipp (film)

Sebastian Kneipp is a 1958 Austrian historical film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner and starring Carl Wery, Paul Hörbiger, and Gerlinde Locker. It is also sometimes known as Wasserdoktor. The film is a biopic of the Bavarian Sebastian Kneipp, one of the pioneers of naturopathic medicine. It was made partly at the and shot in Agfacolor. The film's sets were designed by the art director Wolf Witzemann. Location shooting took place in the spa town Bad Wörishofen in Bavaria.

Sebastian Kneipp (film)

Sebastian Kneipp is a 1958 Austrian historical film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner and starring Carl Wery, Paul Hörbiger, and Gerlinde Locker. It is also sometimes known as Wasserdoktor. The film is a biopic of the Bavarian Sebastian Kneipp, one of the pioneers of naturopathic medicine. It was made partly at the and shot in Agfacolor. The film's sets were designed by the art director Wolf Witzemann. Location shooting took place in the spa town Bad Wörishofen in Bavaria.