Secretary of State for Global Spain

The Secretary of State for Global Spain (SEEG) is a senior minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain. It is directly responsible of the strategic design of Spain’s foreign policy and external action. This involves, among other things, defining the key strategic lines of action, boosting and coordinating Spain’s economic and public diplomacy, defending and promoting the image and international reputation of the country, and being in charge of the Ministry’s communications. All of this occurs with the support of the rest of the Ministry’s bodies and institutions that are linked to it such as the network of Casas, the Fundaciones Consejo or other analogous entities.

Secretary of State for Global Spain

The Secretary of State for Global Spain (SEEG) is a senior minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain. It is directly responsible of the strategic design of Spain’s foreign policy and external action. This involves, among other things, defining the key strategic lines of action, boosting and coordinating Spain’s economic and public diplomacy, defending and promoting the image and international reputation of the country, and being in charge of the Ministry’s communications. All of this occurs with the support of the rest of the Ministry’s bodies and institutions that are linked to it such as the network of Casas, the Fundaciones Consejo or other analogous entities.