Sedgeford Hall Portrait

The "Sedgeford Hall Portrait" (location: King's Lynn Town Hall, Norfolk, UK), is an oil on canvas portrait in the American School by an unknown artist circa 1837. It depicts Pe-o-ka, wife of the Seminole chief, Osceola, and their son. It was once mistakenly believed by many to be a portrait painted from life of Pocahontas and her son, Thomas Rolfe.

Sedgeford Hall Portrait

The "Sedgeford Hall Portrait" (location: King's Lynn Town Hall, Norfolk, UK), is an oil on canvas portrait in the American School by an unknown artist circa 1837. It depicts Pe-o-ka, wife of the Seminole chief, Osceola, and their son. It was once mistakenly believed by many to be a portrait painted from life of Pocahontas and her son, Thomas Rolfe.