
Seeks is a free and open-source project licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3). It exists to create an alternative to the current market-leading search engines, driven by user concerns rather than corporate interests. The original manifesto was created by Emmanuel Benazera and Sylvio Drouin and published in October 2006. The project was under active development until April 2014, with both stable releases of the engine and revisions of the source code available for public use. In September 2011, Seeks won an innovation award at the Open World Forum Innovation Awards. The Seeks source code has not been updated since April 28, 2014 and no Seeks nodes have been usable since February 6, 2016.


Seeks is a free and open-source project licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3). It exists to create an alternative to the current market-leading search engines, driven by user concerns rather than corporate interests. The original manifesto was created by Emmanuel Benazera and Sylvio Drouin and published in October 2006. The project was under active development until April 2014, with both stable releases of the engine and revisions of the source code available for public use. In September 2011, Seeks won an innovation award at the Open World Forum Innovation Awards. The Seeks source code has not been updated since April 28, 2014 and no Seeks nodes have been usable since February 6, 2016.