Seisetsu Shōchō

Seisetsu Shōchō (Ch'ing-cho Cheng-ch'eng, 清拙正澄) (1274–1339) was a Chinese Buddhist missionary to Japan. A disciple of Ku-lin Ch'ing-mao (古林清茂), of the Rinzai school, Seisetsu was an adherent of the gozan movement, which subsumed religious practices to secular authority.

Seisetsu Shōchō

Seisetsu Shōchō (Ch'ing-cho Cheng-ch'eng, 清拙正澄) (1274–1339) was a Chinese Buddhist missionary to Japan. A disciple of Ku-lin Ch'ing-mao (古林清茂), of the Rinzai school, Seisetsu was an adherent of the gozan movement, which subsumed religious practices to secular authority.