Semantic Copyright

Semantic Copyright is a technological system that provides semantic information of intellectual property rights of works in digital format, which identifies by its own morphology. The project began in May 2009 after its presentation at the Role of Copyright Registries en Global Digital Networks and its first version was published and released their rights of use and deployment in March 2011. Its development has been developed by the Copyright Registry Safe Creative, the Artificial Intelligence Department of the Technical University of Madrid and Dialnet, supported by Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade of Spain .

Semantic Copyright

Semantic Copyright is a technological system that provides semantic information of intellectual property rights of works in digital format, which identifies by its own morphology. The project began in May 2009 after its presentation at the Role of Copyright Registries en Global Digital Networks and its first version was published and released their rights of use and deployment in March 2011. Its development has been developed by the Copyright Registry Safe Creative, the Artificial Intelligence Department of the Technical University of Madrid and Dialnet, supported by Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade of Spain .