Senait Fisseha

Senait Fisseha (born 1971) is an Ethiopian endocrinologist at University of Michigan working with reproductive endocrinology and infertility and director of international programs at the Susan Buffet Foundation. Fisseha has a J.D. degree and is known for her work as an advocate for global reproductive health, rights and gender equality. She is the founder of the Center for International Reproductive Health Training (CIRHT) at the University of Michigan. She chaired the election campaign of Tedros Adhanom, the first African Director General of the World Health Organization, in 2016-17.

Senait Fisseha

Senait Fisseha (born 1971) is an Ethiopian endocrinologist at University of Michigan working with reproductive endocrinology and infertility and director of international programs at the Susan Buffet Foundation. Fisseha has a J.D. degree and is known for her work as an advocate for global reproductive health, rights and gender equality. She is the founder of the Center for International Reproductive Health Training (CIRHT) at the University of Michigan. She chaired the election campaign of Tedros Adhanom, the first African Director General of the World Health Organization, in 2016-17.