September 1982 Paris car bombing

On 17 September 1982 a car bomb exploded near Lycée Carnot in Paris, France, injuring 51 people. The attack was claimed by the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions (FARL) in the context of anti-Israeli terrorism. The attack was not fatal, though most of the wounded were Carnot students. The bomb exploded in the car of Amos Manel, an Israeli diplomat, a Peugeot 504. The FARL had previously committed the assassinations of American lieutenant colonel Charles Ray in January and that of Israeli diplomat Yacov Barsimantov in April, both of whom were shot dead in Paris, amongst other attacks - some of which were done with the assistance of the Action Directe group. The attack happened on the eve of Rosh Hashanah and a few months after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

September 1982 Paris car bombing

On 17 September 1982 a car bomb exploded near Lycée Carnot in Paris, France, injuring 51 people. The attack was claimed by the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions (FARL) in the context of anti-Israeli terrorism. The attack was not fatal, though most of the wounded were Carnot students. The bomb exploded in the car of Amos Manel, an Israeli diplomat, a Peugeot 504. The FARL had previously committed the assassinations of American lieutenant colonel Charles Ray in January and that of Israeli diplomat Yacov Barsimantov in April, both of whom were shot dead in Paris, amongst other attacks - some of which were done with the assistance of the Action Directe group. The attack happened on the eve of Rosh Hashanah and a few months after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.