Ser Petracco

Ser Petracco (Pietro di Parenzo di Garzo; 1267—1326) was the father to the Italian poet Francesco Petrarch. His father was Ser Parenzo, son of Ser Garzo who reputedly lived to be 100. They all were notaries, the same office that Ser Petracco held in Florence. The family did have a small property in Florence. His wife’s name was Eletta Canigiani (1270—1319), the mother to Petrarch, whom he married around 1302. Petrarch’s granddaughter was named after her.

Ser Petracco

Ser Petracco (Pietro di Parenzo di Garzo; 1267—1326) was the father to the Italian poet Francesco Petrarch. His father was Ser Parenzo, son of Ser Garzo who reputedly lived to be 100. They all were notaries, the same office that Ser Petracco held in Florence. The family did have a small property in Florence. His wife’s name was Eletta Canigiani (1270—1319), the mother to Petrarch, whom he married around 1302. Petrarch’s granddaughter was named after her.