Seudat Chiyat HaMatim

The Seudat Chiyat HaMatim, a Hebrew term, is a Seudah (feast) for the righteous following the Chiyat Hamatim, the bodily Resurrection of the dead, which is referred to in a passage of the Talmud in the section on Passover which alludes to a relationship between the Passover Seder and this other feast of life and freedom. Rabbi Avira interpreted the biblical passage And the child was weaned, and Abraham made a great feast on the day Isaac was weaned (Genesis 21:8) as alluding to this feast.

Seudat Chiyat HaMatim

The Seudat Chiyat HaMatim, a Hebrew term, is a Seudah (feast) for the righteous following the Chiyat Hamatim, the bodily Resurrection of the dead, which is referred to in a passage of the Talmud in the section on Passover which alludes to a relationship between the Passover Seder and this other feast of life and freedom. Rabbi Avira interpreted the biblical passage And the child was weaned, and Abraham made a great feast on the day Isaac was weaned (Genesis 21:8) as alluding to this feast.