Seven Bearded Sisters

The Seven Bearded Sisters was a term given to seven Kenyan opposition members of parliament (MPs) after Daniel arap Moi assumed power in 1978 following the death of Jomo Kenyatta. The seven were Abuya Abuya (Kitutu East), Onyango Midika (Nyando now Muhoroni), Mwashengu wa Mwachofi (Wundanyi), James Orengo, Lawrence Sifuna (Bumula), Chibule wa Tsuma (Kaloleni) and Koigi wa Wamwere (Nakuru North, now Subukia). Others closely associated with the seven were George Anyona, Chelagat Mutai and Wasike Ndobi.

Seven Bearded Sisters

The Seven Bearded Sisters was a term given to seven Kenyan opposition members of parliament (MPs) after Daniel arap Moi assumed power in 1978 following the death of Jomo Kenyatta. The seven were Abuya Abuya (Kitutu East), Onyango Midika (Nyando now Muhoroni), Mwashengu wa Mwachofi (Wundanyi), James Orengo, Lawrence Sifuna (Bumula), Chibule wa Tsuma (Kaloleni) and Koigi wa Wamwere (Nakuru North, now Subukia). Others closely associated with the seven were George Anyona, Chelagat Mutai and Wasike Ndobi.