Seven Deadly Sins Four Deadly Sinners

Seven Deadly Sins Four Deadly Sinners is an anthology-style play compiled and written by Carry On... writer Norman Hudis and producer Marc Sinden, who is also the director. It was originally devised by Sinden as a female rival to the RSC's The Hollow Crown and was the first anthology to have a permanent 'pool' of actresses from which four appear for the performance.

Seven Deadly Sins Four Deadly Sinners

Seven Deadly Sins Four Deadly Sinners is an anthology-style play compiled and written by Carry On... writer Norman Hudis and producer Marc Sinden, who is also the director. It was originally devised by Sinden as a female rival to the RSC's The Hollow Crown and was the first anthology to have a permanent 'pool' of actresses from which four appear for the performance.