Sex Kittens Go to College

Sex Kittens Go to College (a.k.a. Beauty and the Robot) is a 1960 American comedy film from Allied Artists Pictures, produced and directed by Albert Zugsmith, that stars Mamie Van Doren, Tuesday Weld, and Mijanou Bardot. The film was also released in adult theaters with an additional 9-minute dream sequence added showcasing the robot Sam Thinko with striptease dancers.

Sex Kittens Go to College

Sex Kittens Go to College (a.k.a. Beauty and the Robot) is a 1960 American comedy film from Allied Artists Pictures, produced and directed by Albert Zugsmith, that stars Mamie Van Doren, Tuesday Weld, and Mijanou Bardot. The film was also released in adult theaters with an additional 9-minute dream sequence added showcasing the robot Sam Thinko with striptease dancers.