Sexism in American political elections

Sexism in American political elections refers to sexism which is discrimination, prejudice, or stereotyping based on sexual characteristics or perceived sexual characteristics. Sexism is inherently a product of culture, as culture instills a certain set of beliefs or expectations for what constitutes as appropriate behavior, appearance, or mannerisms for a sex. Sexism occurs against those who identify as female. Women are undervalued in society because of their sex. This is seen in elections when qualified women are judged based on appearance and lose to men.

Sexism in American political elections

Sexism in American political elections refers to sexism which is discrimination, prejudice, or stereotyping based on sexual characteristics or perceived sexual characteristics. Sexism is inherently a product of culture, as culture instills a certain set of beliefs or expectations for what constitutes as appropriate behavior, appearance, or mannerisms for a sex. Sexism occurs against those who identify as female. Women are undervalued in society because of their sex. This is seen in elections when qualified women are judged based on appearance and lose to men.