Sexually transmitted infections in the pornography industry

Sexually transmitted infections in the pornography industry deals with the occupational safety and health issue in the sex industry of transmission of sexually transmitted infections/diseases (STIs/STDs), especially HIV/AIDS, which became a major cause of concern since the 1980s, especially for pornographic film actors. From 2004 to 2009, 22 HIV cases in the U.S. pornography industry were reported; roughly half were among men who work in gay films, and the other half were men and women working in heterosexual productions.

Sexually transmitted infections in the pornography industry

Sexually transmitted infections in the pornography industry deals with the occupational safety and health issue in the sex industry of transmission of sexually transmitted infections/diseases (STIs/STDs), especially HIV/AIDS, which became a major cause of concern since the 1980s, especially for pornographic film actors. From 2004 to 2009, 22 HIV cases in the U.S. pornography industry were reported; roughly half were among men who work in gay films, and the other half were men and women working in heterosexual productions.