Shades of white

Shades of white are colors that differ only slightly from pure white. Variations of white include what are commonly termed off-white colors, which may be considered part of a neutral color scheme. In color theory, a shade is a pure color mixed with black (or having a lower lightness). Strictly speaking, a “shade of white” would be a neutral grey. This article is also about off-white colors that vary from pure white in hue, and in chroma (also called saturation, or intensity). Whiteness measures the degree to which a surface is white in colorimetry.

Shades of white

Shades of white are colors that differ only slightly from pure white. Variations of white include what are commonly termed off-white colors, which may be considered part of a neutral color scheme. In color theory, a shade is a pure color mixed with black (or having a lower lightness). Strictly speaking, a “shade of white” would be a neutral grey. This article is also about off-white colors that vary from pure white in hue, and in chroma (also called saturation, or intensity). Whiteness measures the degree to which a surface is white in colorimetry.