Shape Modeling International

Shape Modeling International (SMI), also known as International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications is an annual symposium whose goal is to promote the dissemination of new mathematical theories and novel computational techniques for modeling, simulating, and processing digital shape representations. Initiated in 1997 by Tosyiasu L. Kunii, the symposium became an annual event in 2001 after its merge with the Eurographics / ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop on Implicit Surfaces. The venue of the symposium rotates in turn among Asia, Europe and America.

Shape Modeling International

Shape Modeling International (SMI), also known as International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications is an annual symposium whose goal is to promote the dissemination of new mathematical theories and novel computational techniques for modeling, simulating, and processing digital shape representations. Initiated in 1997 by Tosyiasu L. Kunii, the symposium became an annual event in 2001 after its merge with the Eurographics / ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop on Implicit Surfaces. The venue of the symposium rotates in turn among Asia, Europe and America.