Sheffield Improvement Act 1818

The Sheffield Improvement Act 1818 is an Act of Parliament passed in 1818 regarding the administration of the town of Sheffield in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Before 1818, the town was run by a mixture of bodies. The Sheffield Town Trust held responsibility for the repair of Lady's Bridge, Barkers Pool and various highways, and had traditionally contributed to general improvements to the town. The Church Burgesses also had the right to improve streets and bridges in the area of the church. By the nineteenth century, both organisations lacked the funds to construct significant improvements, and struggled to maintain existing infrastructure.

Sheffield Improvement Act 1818

The Sheffield Improvement Act 1818 is an Act of Parliament passed in 1818 regarding the administration of the town of Sheffield in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Before 1818, the town was run by a mixture of bodies. The Sheffield Town Trust held responsibility for the repair of Lady's Bridge, Barkers Pool and various highways, and had traditionally contributed to general improvements to the town. The Church Burgesses also had the right to improve streets and bridges in the area of the church. By the nineteenth century, both organisations lacked the funds to construct significant improvements, and struggled to maintain existing infrastructure.