Sheikh Abdul Aziz

Sheikh Abdul Aziz (1952 – 11 August 2008) was chairman of the Jammu Kashmir Peoples League and a prominent member of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, an alliance of Kashmiri separatist groups at the forefront of the political struggle against democratic Indian government in Jammu and Kashmir. He was a strong advocate of the right to self-determination of Kashmiri people and believed that an independent plebiscite under UN supervision could bring long lasting peace in South-Asia.

Sheikh Abdul Aziz

Sheikh Abdul Aziz (1952 – 11 August 2008) was chairman of the Jammu Kashmir Peoples League and a prominent member of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, an alliance of Kashmiri separatist groups at the forefront of the political struggle against democratic Indian government in Jammu and Kashmir. He was a strong advocate of the right to self-determination of Kashmiri people and believed that an independent plebiscite under UN supervision could bring long lasting peace in South-Asia.