Sher Ahmad Khan

Sher Ahmad Khan, known as Khan of Makhad, was the Chief of the Sagri Khattaks. He was also a Jagirdar of Shakardara in Kohat District. The Dynasty was started by Ghazi Khan in the early 16th century during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. Ghazi Khan moved from Kohat to Makhad after conquering the area. According to Attock District Gazetteer, the Sagri Khattaks conquered the area up to East of Jehlum during Emperor Akbar's rein however this account is unsubstantiated. Khan of Makhad flourished under the rule of Ahmed Shah Durrani due to his alliance with the ruler. Since Makhad lies in bank of Indus River, its location was of great importance for the rulers.

Sher Ahmad Khan

Sher Ahmad Khan, known as Khan of Makhad, was the Chief of the Sagri Khattaks. He was also a Jagirdar of Shakardara in Kohat District. The Dynasty was started by Ghazi Khan in the early 16th century during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. Ghazi Khan moved from Kohat to Makhad after conquering the area. According to Attock District Gazetteer, the Sagri Khattaks conquered the area up to East of Jehlum during Emperor Akbar's rein however this account is unsubstantiated. Khan of Makhad flourished under the rule of Ahmed Shah Durrani due to his alliance with the ruler. Since Makhad lies in bank of Indus River, its location was of great importance for the rulers.