Shinagawa no Tsuki, Yoshiwara no Hana, and Fukagawa no Yuki

Beginning in the late 18th century, the Japanese {{transl|ja|ukiyo-e{{ artist Kitagawa Utamaro (c. 1753 – 1806) produced three hanging-scroll paintings for the prominent merchant Zenno Ihē. The themes of the paintings are "moon", "flowers", and "snow", and are named Shinagawa no Tsuki (品川の月, "Moon in Shinagawa"), Yoshiwara no Hana Yoshiwara no Hana (吉原の花, "Flowers in Yoshiwara"), and Fukagawa no Yuki (深川の雪, "Snow in Fukagawa").

Shinagawa no Tsuki, Yoshiwara no Hana, and Fukagawa no Yuki

Beginning in the late 18th century, the Japanese {{transl|ja|ukiyo-e{{ artist Kitagawa Utamaro (c. 1753 – 1806) produced three hanging-scroll paintings for the prominent merchant Zenno Ihē. The themes of the paintings are "moon", "flowers", and "snow", and are named Shinagawa no Tsuki (品川の月, "Moon in Shinagawa"), Yoshiwara no Hana Yoshiwara no Hana (吉原の花, "Flowers in Yoshiwara"), and Fukagawa no Yuki (深川の雪, "Snow in Fukagawa").