Shooting of Scout Schultz

On September 16, 2017, Scout Schultz, a 21-year-old student of the Georgia Institute of Technology, was shot once and killed by Tyler Beck, an officer of the Georgia Tech Police Department. Schultz was carrying a multitool and walked towards the police, asking them to shoot. The multitool contained a screwdriver and a short blade that was not out. The incident was followed by protests and civil unrest, which led to multiple arrests. The arrests and legal persecution of Scout’s friends, following the post-vigil protest, resulted in two trans women of color committing suicide shortly after Scout’s death. Schultz's parents filed a wrongful death suit. The shooting was investigated by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. In March 2020, it was announced that Tyler Beck would not face charges.

Shooting of Scout Schultz

On September 16, 2017, Scout Schultz, a 21-year-old student of the Georgia Institute of Technology, was shot once and killed by Tyler Beck, an officer of the Georgia Tech Police Department. Schultz was carrying a multitool and walked towards the police, asking them to shoot. The multitool contained a screwdriver and a short blade that was not out. The incident was followed by protests and civil unrest, which led to multiple arrests. The arrests and legal persecution of Scout’s friends, following the post-vigil protest, resulted in two trans women of color committing suicide shortly after Scout’s death. Schultz's parents filed a wrongful death suit. The shooting was investigated by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. In March 2020, it was announced that Tyler Beck would not face charges.