
Shottas is a 2002 Jamaican crime film about two young men who participate in organized crime in Kingston and Miami. It stars Ky-Mani Marley, Spragga Benz, Paul Campbell and Louie Rankin and was written and directed by Cess Silvera. Despite its low budget, the distribution of an unfinished bootleg made it a cult favourite long before its official limited release in the United States by Triumph Films and Destination Films in 2006.


Shottas is a 2002 Jamaican crime film about two young men who participate in organized crime in Kingston and Miami. It stars Ky-Mani Marley, Spragga Benz, Paul Campbell and Louie Rankin and was written and directed by Cess Silvera. Despite its low budget, the distribution of an unfinished bootleg made it a cult favourite long before its official limited release in the United States by Triumph Films and Destination Films in 2006.