Shoulder to Shoulder's role in education in Honduras

Shoulder to Shoulder (StoS) or Hombro a Hombro is a grassroots, community-based, non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in Honduras since 1996. The organisation develops and improves health and education programs, aiming to help poor Hondurans achieve quality health care and sustained social development. To date, StoS has created and continued to provide some notable educational programs.

Shoulder to Shoulder's role in education in Honduras

Shoulder to Shoulder (StoS) or Hombro a Hombro is a grassroots, community-based, non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in Honduras since 1996. The organisation develops and improves health and education programs, aiming to help poor Hondurans achieve quality health care and sustained social development. To date, StoS has created and continued to provide some notable educational programs.