Shpend Dragobia

Shpend Dragobia (may also known as Zeqir Elezi of Krasniqi, Shpend Bali Bisheva, or Zeqir Halili) (b.1853, Margegaj, Tropojë - d. March 29, 1918, Dragobi, Tropojë) was an Albanian warrior during the pre-Albanian declaration of independence period and later. He was the son of Bali Arif Bisheva, a member of the League of Prizren and fighter during the Albanian uprising of 1845-1862 against the German-born Marshal Mehmed Ali Pasha. Shpend Dragobia grew up to be a patriotic figure known for his wisdom, character and bravery.

Shpend Dragobia

Shpend Dragobia (may also known as Zeqir Elezi of Krasniqi, Shpend Bali Bisheva, or Zeqir Halili) (b.1853, Margegaj, Tropojë - d. March 29, 1918, Dragobi, Tropojë) was an Albanian warrior during the pre-Albanian declaration of independence period and later. He was the son of Bali Arif Bisheva, a member of the League of Prizren and fighter during the Albanian uprising of 1845-1862 against the German-born Marshal Mehmed Ali Pasha. Shpend Dragobia grew up to be a patriotic figure known for his wisdom, character and bravery.