Shri Camel

Shri Camel is an album by experimental music and classical minimalism pioneer Terry Riley. Riley began composing the work in 1975 on commission from West Germany's Radio Bremen, and performed an early version of the work in Bremen in May 1976. The following year Riley recorded a different version of the piece, separated into four suites, at CBS Studios in San Francisco as the final part of a three album deal with CBS; however, CBS did not release the recording until 1978-1980.

Shri Camel

Shri Camel is an album by experimental music and classical minimalism pioneer Terry Riley. Riley began composing the work in 1975 on commission from West Germany's Radio Bremen, and performed an early version of the work in Bremen in May 1976. The following year Riley recorded a different version of the piece, separated into four suites, at CBS Studios in San Francisco as the final part of a three album deal with CBS; however, CBS did not release the recording until 1978-1980.