Shringirishi Temples in Bundelkhand

Shringirishi Maharaj (Rishyasringa) assumes higher position in Hindu religion. His first instance is known when King Dasharatha invited him to perform Putreshthi Yajna-for the procreation as the name suggests-and later by this gracious deed, we have four figures who are highly revered in Hindu Mythology, namely Lord Rama, Laxman, Bharat, and Shatrughna. Singirishi Samaj in Bundelkhand lives on the banks of river Betwa and Narmada in the parts of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The descendants of Shrinigirsihi Maharaj arrived in this region in 800 AD from Rajasthan. Engrossed with the Agrarian potential of the region, they started to live here and ultimately established themselves. The family names start from Nayak, Sharma, Shringirishi, Tiwari, Joshi, Pandit, Pathak, Pandey, and the like

Shringirishi Temples in Bundelkhand

Shringirishi Maharaj (Rishyasringa) assumes higher position in Hindu religion. His first instance is known when King Dasharatha invited him to perform Putreshthi Yajna-for the procreation as the name suggests-and later by this gracious deed, we have four figures who are highly revered in Hindu Mythology, namely Lord Rama, Laxman, Bharat, and Shatrughna. Singirishi Samaj in Bundelkhand lives on the banks of river Betwa and Narmada in the parts of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The descendants of Shrinigirsihi Maharaj arrived in this region in 800 AD from Rajasthan. Engrossed with the Agrarian potential of the region, they started to live here and ultimately established themselves. The family names start from Nayak, Sharma, Shringirishi, Tiwari, Joshi, Pandit, Pathak, Pandey, and the like