Shu'ba Ibn al-Ḥajjāj

Shuʿba bin al-Ḥajjāj bin al-Ward, Abū Busṭām al-ʿAtakī (Arabic: شُعْبَة بِن الحَجَّاْج بِن الْوَرْد أَبُو بُسطام الْعَتَكِي‎) (c. 85–160/704–776 AH/CE) was an early, devout Muslim, who was known for both his knowledge of poetry and of ḥadīth. His scrupulousness in ḥadīth transmission, alongside other scholars such as Sufyān al-Thawrī, is understood to have laid the foundation for the concretization of ḥadīth sciences.

Shu'ba Ibn al-Ḥajjāj

Shuʿba bin al-Ḥajjāj bin al-Ward, Abū Busṭām al-ʿAtakī (Arabic: شُعْبَة بِن الحَجَّاْج بِن الْوَرْد أَبُو بُسطام الْعَتَكِي‎) (c. 85–160/704–776 AH/CE) was an early, devout Muslim, who was known for both his knowledge of poetry and of ḥadīth. His scrupulousness in ḥadīth transmission, alongside other scholars such as Sufyān al-Thawrī, is understood to have laid the foundation for the concretization of ḥadīth sciences.