Simplice Sarandji

Simplice Sarandji (born 4 April 1955 in Baoro, Ubangi-Shari, now Central African Republic) is the former Prime Minister of Central African Republic. He previously acted as the chief of staff for Prime Minister Faustin-Archange Touadera, and the campaign manager during Touadera's successful Presidential campaign. Prior to his political career, he lectured in geography at the University of Bangui.

Simplice Sarandji

Simplice Sarandji (born 4 April 1955 in Baoro, Ubangi-Shari, now Central African Republic) is the former Prime Minister of Central African Republic. He previously acted as the chief of staff for Prime Minister Faustin-Archange Touadera, and the campaign manager during Touadera's successful Presidential campaign. Prior to his political career, he lectured in geography at the University of Bangui.