Sims (novel)

Sims is a science fiction novel by F. Paul Wilson that explores a near-future event where Humanzees (Human-Chimpanzee hybrids) are created as a de facto slave race. In the near future, there have been amazing advances in genetics research. Through gene therapy, many deadly diseases have been cured. The SimGen Corporation has created a transgenic species called SIMS, creatures that are part chimpanzee and part human, and are treated as slaves. Suddenly a group of sims working as caddies at a golf course decide they want to unionize. They hire lawyer Patrick Sullivan to represent them, and Sullivan begins to ponder whether or not sims are entitled to equal human rights.

Sims (novel)

Sims is a science fiction novel by F. Paul Wilson that explores a near-future event where Humanzees (Human-Chimpanzee hybrids) are created as a de facto slave race. In the near future, there have been amazing advances in genetics research. Through gene therapy, many deadly diseases have been cured. The SimGen Corporation has created a transgenic species called SIMS, creatures that are part chimpanzee and part human, and are treated as slaves. Suddenly a group of sims working as caddies at a golf course decide they want to unionize. They hire lawyer Patrick Sullivan to represent them, and Sullivan begins to ponder whether or not sims are entitled to equal human rights.