Singing This Song

"Singing This Song" was the Maltese entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1975, performed in English (the first occasion on which the Maltese entry had not featured any lyrics in Maltese) by Renato. The song is an up-tempo number, with Renato urging his listeners not to worry if bad things happen to them, but rather to "Join in singing this song". The final line of the song appeared in a medley of "attractive male performers" at the Congratulations special in late 2005. * v * t * e

Singing This Song

"Singing This Song" was the Maltese entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1975, performed in English (the first occasion on which the Maltese entry had not featured any lyrics in Maltese) by Renato. The song is an up-tempo number, with Renato urging his listeners not to worry if bad things happen to them, but rather to "Join in singing this song". The final line of the song appeared in a medley of "attractive male performers" at the Congratulations special in late 2005. * v * t * e