Sinhalese name

A Sinhalese name or Sinhala name may contain two or three parts: a patronymic, one or more given names, and sometimes a surname, which was often absent in the past. Full names can be rather long, and hence are often shortened, by omitting or abbreviating the family name and one of the given names, as in R. M. S. Ariyaratna. Family names can be distinguished by the suffix -ge or -ghe, though this suffix may accidentally result from a particular transliteration of a Sinhalese word, such as simhe or simghe (lion). Given names can be masculine, feminine and gender neutral.

Sinhalese name

A Sinhalese name or Sinhala name may contain two or three parts: a patronymic, one or more given names, and sometimes a surname, which was often absent in the past. Full names can be rather long, and hence are often shortened, by omitting or abbreviating the family name and one of the given names, as in R. M. S. Ariyaratna. Family names can be distinguished by the suffix -ge or -ghe, though this suffix may accidentally result from a particular transliteration of a Sinhalese word, such as simhe or simghe (lion). Given names can be masculine, feminine and gender neutral.