Skwigly (magazine)

Skwigly, also known as Skwigly Animation Magazine, is an independent British online magazine that focuses on animation, whether with interviews, reviews, videos, tutorials, news, or podcasts. In April 2005, it began its print run with 10,000 copies for £3.50 British Pounds at the newstand. This includes Hollywood movies and independent short films. In order to fund their publication, they appeal to advertisers for support and to their readers for donations. Currently, Ben Mitchell is the editor-in-chief, Steve Henderson is the editor, Aaron Wood is the managing director and writer, Laura-Beth Cowley is the features editor, and over 60 people are writers for the publication.

Skwigly (magazine)

Skwigly, also known as Skwigly Animation Magazine, is an independent British online magazine that focuses on animation, whether with interviews, reviews, videos, tutorials, news, or podcasts. In April 2005, it began its print run with 10,000 copies for £3.50 British Pounds at the newstand. This includes Hollywood movies and independent short films. In order to fund their publication, they appeal to advertisers for support and to their readers for donations. Currently, Ben Mitchell is the editor-in-chief, Steve Henderson is the editor, Aaron Wood is the managing director and writer, Laura-Beth Cowley is the features editor, and over 60 people are writers for the publication.