Small Farmers' Party of Finland

Small Farmers' Party of Finland (Suomen Pienviljelijäin Puolue) was a party for the farmers suffering the great depression in Finland. The party joined with two other parties in 1936 and became the . The Small Farmers' Party of Finland was established 12 May 1929. Already earlier a magazine The Small Farmer of Finland had started its publication. The party was established earlier than planned as the parliament was reliesed in April 1929 and the new parliamentary elections were to be organised. The reason for this were constitutional. The Anti-Communistic would not have become valid without general elections and third hearing.

Small Farmers' Party of Finland

Small Farmers' Party of Finland (Suomen Pienviljelijäin Puolue) was a party for the farmers suffering the great depression in Finland. The party joined with two other parties in 1936 and became the . The Small Farmers' Party of Finland was established 12 May 1929. Already earlier a magazine The Small Farmer of Finland had started its publication. The party was established earlier than planned as the parliament was reliesed in April 1929 and the new parliamentary elections were to be organised. The reason for this were constitutional. The Anti-Communistic would not have become valid without general elections and third hearing.