Smaro Kamboureli

Smaro Kamboureli is a Canadian poet and scholar who currently is a professor of English at the University of Toronto, where she also sits as the Avie Bennett Chair in Canadian Literature. She previously taught English and was the Director of the TransCanada Institute at the University of Guelph. Kamboureli was awarded a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Critical Studies in Canadian Literature in 2005. Before joining the University of Guelph, she taught for many years at the University of Victoria where she was Director of the English graduate program and the first Associate Dean—Research.

Smaro Kamboureli

Smaro Kamboureli is a Canadian poet and scholar who currently is a professor of English at the University of Toronto, where she also sits as the Avie Bennett Chair in Canadian Literature. She previously taught English and was the Director of the TransCanada Institute at the University of Guelph. Kamboureli was awarded a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Critical Studies in Canadian Literature in 2005. Before joining the University of Guelph, she taught for many years at the University of Victoria where she was Director of the English graduate program and the first Associate Dean—Research.